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How to make a sanctuary out of a shit situation? In life and environmental politics?

Rosie Benn,
Interactive tool for observation, 
Transcarpathia, UK, Vienna, AT


I started with a plan to make a zip wire, to play with the idea of alternative and ecological use of forest areas for tourism, in response to the ski resort dilemma. Yet feeling rough and worn out, due to a shit situation that occurred prior to the landing, my weary body encouraged me to take a slow and attentive approach to the ‘landing zone’ – designated land for research. After wrestling with ropes and slopes and all the metal joining pieces I had bought from Baumarkt, the result proved quite floppy and just wasn’t working out. So I surrendered to my floppy heart and took a different pace. Residing in a mossy space, a tool for observation developed, one for tuning in and out. Then three children on the plot of land, who too were seeking a moments quiet escape, joined me and tuned in through the hammocks window. They described to me, from time to time what they saw. An ant passing by weaving in and out of the mossy humps and hills along the ground. We spoke about what it must be like to be so small, and if we were another animal, which we would like to be. A boy said he would like to be a bat so that he could fly around at night when no one was around. This was a special encounter for me. What the hell does this have to do with environmental politics? You might ask. Well, it taught me, that on a very basic level sometimes when you take an action that feels right for you, the right  people come. As well as looking at the big picture and the major matters of concern, quite in relation to that, there are meaningful experiences to be had, and lessons to be learned in the micro.


Essence, Angewandte Universität der Kunst


Vienna, 2019

48 hour happening between trees and ruins,

Transcarpathia (Ukraine), 2018

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